[1]Liu, J.,& Nah, K. (2021)Using CIPP Model Evaluation for Interdisciplinary Design Curriculum in IDBM Program at Aalto University. The Korean Society of Design Culture, 2021, Vol.27(1),248-259.
[2] Liu, J.,& Nah, K. (2021)Analysis on the Symbolic Features of Traditional Water Patterns in Packaging Design - Focus on the Cases of Packaging Design in Korea and China -. The Korean Society of Design Culture, 2021, Vol.27(3): 354-365.
[3]Liu, J., & Lyu, X.(2021) Explaining the Narrativity in Art Design from the Aspects of Aesthetic Elements and Features. The Korean Society of Design Culture,2021, Vol.27(3): 96-106.
[4]Xiao, S., & Liu, J.*.(2023) Real time recommendation method of online education resources based on improved decision tree algorithm, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology.
[5]Liu, J., & Nah, K. (2020) Visual Communication Design System Based on Virtual Reality Technology, 2020 International Conference on Robots & Intelligent System, IEEE.
[6]Liu, J., & Lyu, X. (2021) The Characteristics of Aesthetic Thinking in Psycho****ysis, 2021 Korean Design Culture Society Summer International Invitational Design Conference 2021, The Korean Society of Design Culture.
[1]“21世纪智慧韩国工程” (Brain Korea 21 (BK21) Government Scholarship Program)政府研究奖学金(韩国)(2019-2020)
[2]韩国弘益大学国际设计研究院 芬兰阿尔托大学国际设计商业管理(IDBM)交流项目国际交流奖学金(IDAS International Exchange Scholarship)(2019)
[3]美国普度国际邀请作品展Art and Design in the Future(地点:Purdue University Gallery主题:未来的艺术与设计) (2019)
[5]中国-意大利国际设计周China-Italy International Design Week参展并获奖 (2015)